Apa itu, apa itu judulnya?

Mari-mari saya ceritakan. Jadi begini ceritanya, kemarin ada seorang head hunter dari Madrid yang menelpon suamiku tercinta untuk nawarin pekerjaan (kontrak) di Amerika Latin sana. Dan tau gak itu dimana? Yup betul sekali COLOMBIA.

Meeeen, syooook tentu saja. Meskipun baru sekedar interview (masih belum offer sih) tapi membayangkan satu atau dua bulan LDR-an Indonesia-Colombia atau kami yang mesti tinggal di Colombia rasanya gak kebayang, hahahaha.

Apalagi melihat kenyataan bahwa negeri itu adalah negeri pengekspor kokain terbesar. Ditambah kemarin sempet lihat kalo penduduk muslimnya cuma 2 pesen sahaja, tidaaaak!

Eniwei, hehe ini cuma sekedar intermezzo. Kalo boleh milih sih enggak deh ngeliat profil negaranya yang kayak gitu, tapi kalo tawarannya (baca: gajinya :D) menggiurkan bisa dipertimbangkan *kedip2 ke aa'

Oke deh... sekian dulu ceritanya, bye-bye....

*Sampai ketemu dalam cerita rempongnya persiapan back for good ya....

**arti dari judul = Hijrah ke Kolombia?

Ada yang terasa sesak di dada
Tapi tak bisa mendefinisikan itu apa....

Hei Asiyah, kamu telah membuat saya jatuh cinta berkali-kali :*

*Dear my Asiyah, kelak contoh kakak yang imut ini ya :)

Ini versi aslinya. Love it also :)

Creativity. Sometimes it's difficult for adult to show their creativity. I heard some conversation about this. For example in a conference, people must draw the person who is sit next to them. Guest, what will happen? Maybe all of people will embarrass by their drawing. But it's not happen when this task is do by children. At least until stupid adult make a bad judgment for them.

The main idea is we (adult) always scare with other's judgment when we want to speak about our idea. Whereas maybe our strange will be a great idea for others.

To solve this problem we know about one method was known as brainstorming. There are two rules for this. First is Don't Judge! That is don't say the idea good or bad. The other rule is go for quantity. That means is important to have many different ideas. For this way people will feel free to suggest any idea even it sounds strange.

So, let's try to be a creative person :)

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