Ya, Allah tau saya bukan tipe orang yang jago multitasking, pun dengan suami saya. Maka dari itu mungkin inilah jalan terbaik yang Allah beri untuk kami.

Ya, Allah memberikan takdirNya ini untuk kami, bukan apa-apa, tapi memang Ia yang sangat tau apa yang terbaik untuk kami. Ia yang sangat tau tentang kapasitas kami.

Ya, Allah memberikan kami keleluasaan dalam menyelesaikan urusan-urusan kami, dalam segala rencana-rencana hidup kami.

Ya, Insya Allah ini yang terbaik untuk kami. Sabar ya, Nak, insya Allah kami yakin perjumpaan denganmu akan ada waktunya, di waktu yang tepat dan telah ditentukan olehNya. Ah ya, bukan engkau yang harus bersabar tentunya ya Nak, tapi justru kami yang harus menyabarkan hati kami akan takdir terbaik yang telah Ia rencanakan untuk kita.

Insya Allah mungkin dalam empat sampai lima tahun ke depan, jalan ikhtiar akan coba kami tempuh dengan sungguh-sungguh. Ya, sungguh-sungguh dalam artian mengusahakan yang terbaik dari jalur medis. Ikhtiar doa selalu kami lantunkan untukmu sedari awal, Nak. Maka jika Allah memang berkehendak pengusahaan tersebut melalui tangan "cerdas" manusia-Nya, insya Allah mulai dari sekarang kami akan mempersiapkan diri dengan sebaik-baik persiapan.

Doakan kami :)
In the some countries, less citizen leads government makes some policy to increase population. For example government gives some benefits if the citizen have children: incentive, their tax will be decrease (relieved), insurance for education and health, etc. The other way is government can invite foreigner to become citizen, certainly with some requirement, for instance they have good talents, they have investment for the country, they had already lived for minimum five years, they already mastery in the language, and etc.

The policy for being a citizen it depends on the government in that country. The US has a unique way for foreigner to get a citizenship. The government offers the citizenship but they (foreigner) have to register for The US military and they have to serve for at least five years in military. If they don't, then they can lose the citizenship.

This program is one way to solve the military problem in The US. The military in US has became stretched thin because it is involved in so many different place in the world. So the government attracts so many people to join in military.

However i think there are so many strictly requirement for this program. It because this program involve safety country the safety of the country. It's not as simple ly as its appearances. So, if you want to become the US citizen, you can ask or talk to the US embassy for this program, because this program it's hardly to find for the details on the internet. Remember if you join in this program, you HAVE TO BE proud and HAVE TO survive in the US military at least for five years. And  i think that is quite difficult to survive especially in the US military .

Thank you for reading my article. The source for this article is from English cafe #384. See you again :).

Assalamu'alaikum everyone, today is writing day for me. So, now I want to write about Hatfields & Mc Coys Feud. I heard this history from podcast. This feud happened in USA. It's told about two families, their names are Hatfields family and Mc Coys familiy. Hatfield lives in West Virginia, and The Mc Coys in Kentucky. They are very famous in American History because in long period they had feud. Feud is very angry fight and argument between two people or groups for very long time.

Until know, the cause that made this feud happened still didn't know. Presumably it caused by competition for authority area.This feud wasn't just "fair" competition. This feud implicated murders between each others. But there was romance in this feud, maybe like romeo and juliet.

I think this feud was bad history in United Stated. But there's always a lesson from histories. Hope there's no feud between families in the world again.

Thank you for reading. Sorry because only short article. I'm just still learning to write in English :)

Yesterday I went to Sembawang to teach Qiraati for one of my students. It was a long time not didn't see  him because of Chinese New Year Holiday. When i entered his home, he had waited for me. Then his mom said "He's waiting you to pray ashar altogehter". Ooh, I melted when i heard that :").

My student just smiled. I directly said "Ok, let's pray together". Then we enter to his room to pray ashar together. I put his sajadah higher than me. Sure he asked me, "Why my sajadah higher than yours, tante Puti?". I smiled and explained to him, "Because you're man, and a man is imam for woman. So now you became an Imam for me, ok?". I looked into him. Then I saw his smile.

After we prayed together, as usual I asked him some question about what he did last week before. Then he talked much to me. We laughed together when he talked about funny moment, or when I thought his action is funny. And do you know, suddenly he said "Oh, today it's beautiful day". It's the second time he made me melted :").

Ah, i really love him. He smart, critics, and ekspressif. I hope i can be  good techer for him. And also i hope i can give a good value to him.

I love you, my student, FF :*

** coretan dan tinta merah adalah koreksi atas grammar

Assalamu'alaikum, everyone ^0^

Now, it's time to write in English. Yes, I want to improve my english skill. It's because I don't have any english class anymore, so I decided to improve my english by self studied.

So these are my plans:

1. Every tuesday it's time to learn grammar. So I will learn from book that I have now. I have four books for learning english already. Three books are general english, and another one is conversation book.

2. Every thursday it's time for listening and writing in English. My plan is I listen a lecture or talk from podcast or bbc. Then after that i must make a summary and new vocabulary lists. I have already known about good website for listening. Cek it out: podcast (education) and bbc.

3. Every saturday is speaking day. Here are my plans:
    a. I make a presentation from the listening section, then i will present to my husband
    b. Speaking in english with my husband for half day

Yeah, hope i can do consistently my plans. If you want to correct my article in here, it's my pleasure and i really appreciate it ^_^

Then, this is my target:

and SURE, I CAN DO IT :)

Siapa yang tidak iri melihat hampir kesuluruhan teman-teman saya yang sudah menikah sudah memiliki penyejuk hati atau sedang menanti kelahiran sang penyejuk hati tersebut. Manusiawi kan kalo saya iri? Toh fitrahnya memang salah satu kesenangan di dunia ini adalah kehadiran sang buah hati. Terlebih sekarang banyaknya sosial media membuat hal tersebut semakin nyata menyayat-nyayat hati ini karena yang dirindukan masih "dipending" kehadirannya olehNya.

Sungguh Allah, bukan berarti hamba "menyalahkanMu" atas semua ini, hanya saja hamba khawatir akankah kami mampu melewati semua ini dengan sebaik-baik kesabaran dan sebaik-baik penantian?

Makannya terkadang saya membiarkan diri saya "melow" selama beberapa saat, tapi sehabis itu saya tetap optimis bahwa Allah akan menitipkan anak-anak yang lucu lagi shalihah di rahim saya, dalam pengasuhan kami tentunya.

Berbahagialah dan bersyukurlah kalian yang dengan "mudah" dan "cepat" mendapat titipan anugerahNya tersebut. Jika kalian sewaktu-waktu merasa tidak sabar dengan kehadiran titipanNya tersebut, ingatlah bahwa ada berjuta orang yang justru sedang berjuang sekuat tenaga untuk mendapatkan anugerah yang sudah kalian dapati.

Semoga Allah selalu merahmati orang-orang yang tengah berjuang untuk mendapatkan salah satu keindahan di dunia tersebut. Sabarkan kami Rabb, dan sampaikanlah keinginan kami. Engkaulah yang Maha Mengetahui dan Engkaulah sebaik-baik pengabul doa.

Today is the last day i'm studying english conversation at one school in Singapore. A lot of things i got from there. Good teacher, kind friends, but sadly i must said a little bit dissapointed with the school management and rules :(. Overall i'm happy learning at there. Because now i feel confident to talk in English, hehe. Hope someday i can join in other class at other school.

Finally, i'm gonna miss you, all :")

My teacher, Lisa and I

Minami, Miri, Monika, me, and Hyun Bin

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